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Upstream Metalwork Repainting Revives Colwick Sluice

In this article, PIF spoke to ECS Engineering Services, to find out more about its renovation of Colwick Sluice in Nottinghamshire for the Environment Agency, completed by repainting the aging upstream steelwork at the site. The business has blasted and repainted I-beams and hand railings at the sluice on the River Trent, ensuring that the site is adequately protected from corrosion.

Rescuing the Colwick Sluice

The work being carried out at Colwick is part of a large infrastructure investment by the Environment Agency, designed to safeguard flood defence capabilities in the area. As an approved framework contractor for the Environment Agency, ECS has been carrying out the works, which have already involved the installation of a semi-automated stoplog system and the repainting of the downstream section of the sluice.

Repainting work at Colwick is of particular importance. As the paint and protective coatings begin to decay as they reach the limit of their design life, debris can fall into the river, posing a risk to water quality and local wildlife if unaddressed. Therefore, ECS and the Environment Agency have acted quickly to ensure this essential work is carried out with minimal impact on the surrounding environment.

Carrying out the Project

Five I-beams used to house the sluices' stop logs and handrails were removed from the site by ECS. The sections were then transported off-site for blasting and repainting, ensuring that the process had minimal effect on the site itself. Both the beams and handrails were triple coated for maximum corrosion resistance, then delivered back to site when ready.

ECS tackled the re-installation of the steelwork methodically and safely. Both land-based and floating cranes were utilised to move the newly painted I-beams into place, with installation teams in constant communication to ensure the work was completed without a hitch. Furthermore, rescue teams were on standby throughout the process in nearby boats, ready to affect a water rescue if the need arose.

Painting the metalwork off-site delivered a distinct cost advantage; otherwise supporting encapsulating scaffolding would have been required for this segment of the project. ECS was able to manage the process with a third-party contractor, providing a full turnkey service for the benefit of the client, including transportation to and from the site. The approach also provided safety advantages, as less work was carried out at height and above the watercourse.

The refurbished I-beams are now ready to support stop logs from the piers between the gates, ensuring that areas of the sluice can be easily isolated for future maintenance work. This will make sure that the upkeep of the site is straightforward and safe, helping to protect those who live and work near the banks of the River Trent.

To find out more about metalwork renovation, contact ECS Engineering today.

Company Profile

ECS Engineering Services

ECS Engineering Services has over 20 years experience in delivering high quality, reliable and cost effective engineering solutions, specialising in bespoke design and construction of water, energy and environmental processing and management projects.

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