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    Energy and Renewables

    The global renewable energy market is forecast to expand rapidly over the coming years and is expected to account for 40% of global energy consumption growth by 2023, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). The electricity sector remains the biggest adopter of renewable energy, with solar PV and wind energy production set to continue growing. Bioenergy is the world’s largest source of renewable energy, accounting for 50% of global renewables consumption, which is equivalent to the use of hydro, wind, solar and all other renewables combined. While the industry faces ongoing challenges, such as pockets of weak policy support, the energy industry and renewables in general are set to play a pivotal role in global energy production.

    The renewables market is operating within a perfect storm at present. Growing public awareness and appetite for environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional fossil fuels is accelerating uptake. Price and performance parity is now being reached on the grid and at the socket. While new technologies are harnessing the competitive edge of renewable energy. All of which now makes renewable energy a viable, reliable and affordable source of green energy. Process Industry Forum keeps you abreast of all the latest technological innovations, industry news and government legislature affecting the energy and renewables sector. We’ll keep you up to date with all the latest trends, opinions and predictions here on our dedicated energy and renewables news section.

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