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    Asset Monitoring & Maintenance

    Asset monitoring is primarily concerned with processes and strategies that track a company’s assets effectively to ensure their correct deployment. Asset tracking systems should strategically align with the overarching business plan to achieve a common objective. When done well, asset monitoring processes help to ensure equipment performs optimally, operational costs are kept to a minimum and a greater ROI is achieved. Maintenance management employs intelligent software to track a business’ resources, such as equipment, materials and personnel. This encourages informed decision making regarding maintenance management processes, which can in turn minimise the risk of unexpected repairs and costly downtime.

    Maintenance management and asset tracking are interrelated fields that work most successfully in tandem. They are essential practices that can prove extremely valuable for every manufacturing organisation. For that reason, Process Industry Forum aims to keep you up to date with all the latest asset monitoring and maintenance management software available today. Our asset monitoring and maintenance pages act as a hub for the very best curated articles about the latest products, services and strategies in these areas. Process Industry Forum keeps maintenance managers abreast of the latest industry developments in order to be able to make decisive decisions about their day-to-day business practices.

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