» Articles » WIMES specification – the differences between resilient hinge check valves and recoil resilient hinge check valves?

WIMES specification – the differences between resilient hinge check valves and recoil resilient hinge check valves?

The WIMES specification differentiates between Resilient hinge check valves and Recoil resilient hinge check valves. Both check valves are types of Non-Return Valves, and both are used in pumping applications across the UK to prevent back-flow of a liquid or gaseous media and to protect the pump from the damaging surge pressures of water hammer following pump shut-down.

What is a Resilient hinge check valve?

SwingFlex Check Valve

The Val-matic Swing-Flex check valve is a Resilient Hinge Check Valve and is designed for Clog-Free flow of raw sewage in both the Vertical and the Horizontal position.

The valve consists of a single molded, Steel and Nylon reinforced disc with drop-tight molded O-ring, a Ductile Iron body with 100% flow area and WRAS approved Non-Stick Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating Internally & Externally.

With a seat at 45° and a stroke of 35°, the Val-Matic ‘Swing-Flex’ check valves closes close in approximately 0.5 seconds.

What is a Recoil Resilient hinge check valve?

The Val-Matic Surgebuster swing check valve is a Recoil Resilient Hinge Check valve and has an additional component to the resilient hinge check valve - the patented Disc Accelerator.

The disc accelerator is a 302 Stainless Steel or Inconel Nickel Chrome Alloy flat spring which is designed to increase the speed of disc closure.

The purpose of the ‘Surgebuster’ is to protect the pump from high surge pressures. With valves sizes up to a 12” diameter, the valves are expected to close between 0.2 to 0.3 seconds – making the Surgebuster the fastest closing valve available on the market today.

Designed with a profile that hugs the disc, the ‘Surgebuster’ gives outstanding clog free performance in raw sewage applications and is shown by the AWWA (American Water Works Association) to be the best valve available for the duty.

Supplied in the same body as the ‘Swing-Flex’, with identical BS 5153 face-to face, all the same performance benefits without snagging issues, the ‘Surgebuster’ can be used to directly replace typical Weight & Lever Swing Check Valves without the need for pipework modification.

The Surgebuster swing check valve requires a velocity of only 2.5m/s to fully open the valve, therefore it matches that of a standard Swing Check Valve with Weight & Levers, but performs more like a Single Door Recoil or Multi-door Recoil type check valve in relation to speed of operation.

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MGA Controls Ltd

MGA Controls are a leading Control & Instrumentation company delivering high-quality products and services to the industry since 1986.

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