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BEKO Airstation Simulator

Test your understanding of compressed air components with BEKO Technologies Limited’s new BEKO Airstation Simulator programme. It allows you to check your understanding of compressed air components by arranging and re-arranging each of the BEKO components until you have reached the desired quality of compressed air. You will be given feedback as to how your arrangement could have been improved and you will also be informed of any issues it may have introduced.

BEKO Compressed air components
YOUR MISSION: Compressed air with a quality of 2.4.2 according to ISO standard 8573.1.

Check your understanding of compressed air components with the BEKO Airstation simulator. You can find it here at: http://www.beko-technologies.co.uk/service/virtual-compressor-station/.

This programme allows you to arrange the BEKO components so that the desired quality of compressed air can be achieved.

You place the components by dragging them with the mouse pointer and dropping them in the desired position in the airline. You can change any position or exchange amy compnent until you are satisfyed with the results.

When you have selected the components click ' Done' and your attempt will be evaluated and you will receive feedback. Furthermore, you can measure the quality of the air stream at any compnent of your air station with the Qualit-O-Meter.


Company Profile


BEKO TECHNOLOGIES develops, manufactures and sells components and systems worldwide for an optimised compressed air quality.

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